Terms of use

[vc_row height="medium"][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]This website is managed by stow International nv.


Industriepark 6 B B-8587 Spiere-Helkijn, Belgium Tel.: +32 56 48 11 11 Fax: +32 56 48 63 70 info@stow-group.com

Commercial Register

Company registration number: 0416.991.320 VAT number: BE 0416.991.320

Legal notice

When you visit the website, you are deemed to have taken note of the conditions set out below and to have accepted them unreservedly. The following provisions apply to the website and to any other Internet or network initiatives on the part of stow International. stow International reserves the right to change the following provisions at any time, without any prior or explicit notification of the visitor. Visitors are advised to check the conditions regularly, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom. Should any of the following provisions be inapplicable or contrary to a provision of mandatory law, this will not affect the applicability or validity of the other provisions in any way.


stow International endeavours to provide visitors to the website with information that is clear, up to date, correct and precise, but does not guarantee that the information provided will always be clear, adequate, correct, free of typographical errors, relevant, complete or up to date, or that the website will be comprehensive. If the website contains information that is defective or incomplete, stow International will make every effort to remedy the shortcoming. The website and its content may be added to, changed or removed at any time by stow International, without prior notice and without visitors being informed. Visitors to the website are deemed to be aware that the website is subject to change. stow International accepts no liability for any damage (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, savings, professional opportunities, or data and damage to the business) due to the content of the website, the lack of particular information on the website, the unavailability or technical malfunctioning of the website, or the use that is made of the website. stow International likewise accepts no liability for any choices made by visitors, and the consequences thereof, on the basis of the information they find on the website. This also applies to situations in which programs or other data on the visitor’s computer system are damaged or the visitor incurs other losses as a result of using the website. stow International makes every effort to protect the website against viruses, hacking and other forms of cybercrime, but cannot guarantee that they will be completely prevented.

Accounts and passwords

Visitors to the website may access it by means of a personal account, linked to a strictly personal password. It is forbidden to make this password available to third parties. An adequate and strong password is one that is regarded as secure according to current state of science and technology. At present this means a password consisting of eight different characters, including at least 1 capital letter, 1 digit and 1 special character. Visitors undertake not to abuse the password or their personal account. If a visitor does not comply with this obligation, stow International has the right to deny him or her access to his or her account and/or to the website.

Intellectual property rights

Visitors have the right to consult the website and to download or print content for personal use. Visitors may reproduce content for personal use, subject to acknowledgement of the source in accordance with the provisions of the Law of 30 June 1994 on copyright and related rights. The copying, reproduction, distribution, sale, translation and editing of content for commercial use, even with a source acknowledgement, is not permitted. Multimedia files (sound, images, software etc.) may only be reproduced or used with the prior authorisation of stow International. Visitors wishing to obtain such authorisation may contact the site editor through the contact form below. In the event of the copying, reproduction, distribution, sale, translation or editing of the website’s content, stow International reserves all intellectual property rights. The website, including all texts, illustrations, logos, lay-out, data, software and other components, is protected by copyright. If a visitor disregards the intellectual rights of stow International or does not comply with the conditions of this clause, he or she will be required to pay a fee to stow International. In such cases, the visitor is also obliged to indemnify stow International against any claim or demand addressed to stow International, resulting from the violation committed by the visitor.

Protection of personal data

stow International guarantees to visitors that their personal data are only processed for the intended purposes, are not communicated to third parties under any circumstances and are not used for direct marketing. stow International provides appropriate security for personal data which have been collected, to prevent any misuse of such data. For further information regarding the collection and processing of personal data, visitors are referred to stow International’s privacy policy.


Cookies are small information files that are stored on the computer’s hard drive via the Internet browser. In the event of a subsequent visit to the same website, the information files are sent back to the website administrator so that the visitor can access the website easily and quickly. We also use these technologies to collect and store information when you interact with stow-group.com or any affiliate website. This may include sending one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your computer or device. For more information on stow International’s cookie policy please refer to the Cookie Policy. Last updated: May 23, 2018[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]